Author Andrea DeWitt- On Naming Your Triggers, Claiming Actions and Reframing Perspective. A Proven Process to Step into your Power and Potential with New Ownership of Life

We all think we have to be over prepared. Just do it. Take one step in the right direction. You’re ready enough.

— Andrea DeWitt

Andrea DeWitt known for her infectious energy, Andrea Mein DeWitt is an author, speaker, and life coach who teaches high-performing leaders to see and step into their power, potential, and truth. She is the CEO of Andrea DeWitt Advisors, where she coaches heart-centered working professionals who are feeling the call to chase a dream, create something new in their life, or transform something that’s no longer working.

Andrea’s mantra is, “It is only when we dare to look inside ourselves that we find the truth to light our way forward.” She encourages her clients to find their courage by stepping out of their comfort zone, which Andrea believes is the portal that will
help them to maximize their power and potential in both their personal and professional lives.

Show Notes:

This episode is an invitation to the best advice we have heard on how to be on YOUR path to a well lived life. After NYT Best Selling Author Emily Giffin recommended Andrea DeWitt’s new book on the Today’s Show, now on everyone’s MUST read list. Andrea will inspire you with examples and a proven process on how to apply these three- steps, “Name, Claim & Reframe”.

CEO of Andrea DeWitt Advisors, Best-Selling Author of Name, Claim & Reframe: Your Path to a Well-Lived Life, veteran life coach, and speaker.

Where to find Andrea:


Learn more. Share more. Inspire more.

Rani Alfers