Unstoppable: Teen Mother to Entrepreneur: Mia Horm on Creating Disciplines, Defying Doubters, and Mentoring the Next Generation

“It’s important to set goals so you’re not navigating life without direction.”

— Mia Horm

Mia Horm is passionate about sharing her story of loss, resilience, transformational growth and business success to inspire female POC founders to beat the odds stacked against them. 

Raised without both her parents, Mia found herself pregnant at 17 during her senior year of high school. She was quickly told she would be a statistic — a young woman of color who was expected to live off welfare and never complete her education. She knew she was engineered for more beyond the food stamps and poverty trap. 

Not letting the odds get stacked against her, Mia bravely broke the cycle and acquired several degrees and certifications, launched an award-winning multinational agency in 2005, traveled extensively across 5 continents, and added a few extra zeros to her bank account. She is also the host of an acclaimed multimedia podcast, Founders Only (available on all major streaming platforms). 

Today she is devoted to helping women of color founders see it IS possible too. 

Show Notes:

In this episode of the Working Women Mentor Podcast, we journey through the incredible life of Mia Horm, a woman who has always dared to dream big, even when the world tried to tell her otherwise. Imagine being 17, about to graduate high school, and finding out you’re going to be a mother. Most people would have given up on their dreams, but not Mia. Instead, she embraced the challenge, put herself through college, and built a thriving business from the ground up.

Mia’s story is like a bridge between who she was as a young dreamer and who she is today—a successful entrepreneur and mentor guiding the next generation. She talks about the importance of nurturing that inner child who always asks, “Who do I want to be when I grow up?” and how she’s helped the young people in her life answer that question by being a living example of resilience and determination.

After a transformative experience with Tony Robbins, Mia discovered the power of facing her limiting beliefs head-on. Her life changed again, and now she’s here to share the tools she’s gathered along the way—tools that can help you, no matter where you are in your journey. 

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Rani Alfers